jiā tú sì bì


词 语: JTSB
简 拼: ㄐ一ㄚ ㄊㄨˊ ㄙˋ ㄅ一ˋ
词 性: 形容词
英 文: utterly destitute;be empty of all furniture;be extremely poor with only the walls of the household standing;with nothing is one's house but bare walls

[utterly destitute;be empty of all furniture;be extremely poor with only the walls of the household standing;with nothing is one's house but bare walls] 家中极端贫困,空无所有,徒有四堵墙壁树立


◎ 家徒四壁 jiā tú sì bì [utterly destitute;be empty of all furniture;be extremely poor with only the walls of the household standing;with nothing is one's house but bare walls] 家中极端贫困,空无所有,徒有四堵墙壁树立


形容家中贫穷,一无所有。《史记·司马相如列传》:“ 文君 夜亡奔 相如 , 相如 乃与驰归 成都 。家居徒四壁立。” 司马贞 索隐引 孔文祥 云:“徒,空也。家空无资储,但有四壁而已。”《魏书·任城王顺传》:“﹝ 顺 ﹞为陵户 鲜于康奴 所害。家徒四壁,无物敛尸,止有书数千卷而已。” 宋 黄庭坚 《次韵宋楙宗僦居甘泉坊雪后书怀》:“家徒四壁书侵坐,马耸三山叶拥门。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·陈锡九》:“合厝既毕,家徒四壁。幸里中怜其孝,共饭之。” 高晓声 《李顺大造屋》:“新郎因为要负担两个老人和一个残废妹妹的生活,穷得家徒四壁,鹑衣百结,才独身至今。”